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Client Acquisition Series


We believe that getting prospects to say “yes” is much easier when you follow a proven process.  Today, clients want their Advisors to understand them and provide consultative advice on what to do.  By learning an easy step-by-step process and gaining insight on practical skill needed for success, you will be able to deliver what is needed every step of the way.

The ability to convert an interested prospect into an actual client is critical to any advisor’s success; especially when they are early in their career.  So often new advisors are told what they need to do and specific outcomes they need to obtain.  Unfortunately, they are rarely taught how to do it.  Sometimes, they are even taught the “wrong” way to do it.

If you look at some of the most successful advisors in the industry today, they have a clearly defined process.  When you peal away the personality and nuances, they almost all follow the same process.  When new advisors are taught this process, it provides a path to success.  Imagine, a step-by-step process that is proven to work!

What makes this course different than any other is in addition to teaching you what to do, it also teaches you how to do it.  Each step of the process will be broken down to teach you insights to buyer psychology, word tracks to use, and best practices to run an efficient practice.  With built-in opportunities to practice the skills in each stage you will finish the course not just smarter, but more effective in execution.